Best4Soil / H2020
The BEST4SOIL project will build a community of practice network across Europe by inter-connecting growers, advisers, educators and researchers. Knowledge ready for practice on D105best practices will be promoted.
Fiche signalétique
- Départements participants Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
- Institut(s) Systèmes de connaissances et échange du savoir
- Unité(s) de recherche Systèmes de connaissances et échange du savoir
- Organisation d'encouragement Europäische Union
- Durée 01.10.2018 - 24.12.2024
- Direction du projet Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
Équipe du projet
Prof. Robert Lehmann
Dr. Mirjam Pfister
Prof. Dr. Bruno Häller
Eléonore Tran
Prof. Dr. Andreas Keiser -
Delphy BV
European Commission
The BEST4SOIL thematic network aims to maintain, improve or re-establish soil health in Europe. Central to the network is the knowledge exchange between all stakeholders concerning soil health, quantity and quality of production.
The BEST4SOIL project will build a community of practice network across Europe by inter-connecting growers, advisers, educators and researchers. Knowledge ready for practice on best practices will be promoted.