Prof. Dr. Julian Ruf
Prof. Dr. Julian Ruf Professor Tenure Track
Jeudi -
Berner Fachhochschule
Abteilung Lehre
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
Paper (peer reviewed)
Wolff, S., Köhn, P., Ruf, P. J., Moog, P., Strina, G. (2024) Measuring family influence from the non-family employee perspective: The perceived family influence scale (PFIS), Journal of Family Business Strategy. (VHB: B, IF: 7.2)
Grözinger, A.-C., Wolff, S., Ruf, P. J.,Audretsch, D., & Moog, P. (2023) The impact of SME leader’s psychological capital on strategic responses during crisis. Business Research Quarterly. (IF: 2.9)
Köhn, P., Ruf, P.J., Moog, P. (2022) Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study. Journal of Family Business Strategy. (VHB: B, IF: 7.2)
Grözinger, A.-C., Wolff, S., Ruf, P. J., & Moog, P. (2021). The power of shared positivity: Organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises. Small Business Economics. (VHB: B, IF: 6.4)
Ruf, P. J., Graffius M., Wolff, S., Moog, P.M., & Felden, B. (2020). Back to the Roots: Applying the Concept of Individual Human Values to Understand Family Firm Behavior. Family Business Review. (VHB: B, IF: 8.8)
Ruf, P. J., Moog, P. M., & Rius, I. B. (2020). Values as antecedents of socioemotional wealth behaviour in family firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (VHB: C, IF: 1.7)
Buchkapitel, Monografien & Arbeitsberichte
Ruf, P. J., & Köhn, P. (2020). The life cycle of academia and its impact on early career researchers publishing behaviour. In F. Welter & D. Urbano, How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant (pp. 106– 118). Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Ruf, P. J., Meisner, K., & Moog, P. M. (2020). Ordnung muss sein: Unternehmensnachfolge in dysfunktionalen Familien.
In B. Felden, A. Hack, & C. Hoon (Eds.), Fallstudien zum Management von Familienunternehmen: Teaching Cases für Lehre und praktische Anwendung (pp. 83–94). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
• Graffius, M.A., Ruf, P. J., Wolff, S. (2021). Zurück in die neue Normalität - Wahrnehmungen und Anforderungen der Auswirkungen durch die COVID-19 Pandemie von und an Unternehmen durch junge und ältere Beschäftigte.