Data Engineering Day

12.07.2021 Le Data Engineering Day est organisé une fois par année pour les étudiant-e-s du BSc Informatique avec l’orientation Data Engineering et pour les étudiant-e-s du MSc Engineering avec l’orientation Data Science.

Cette année, un panel d’expert-e-s suisses et internationaux a présenté des exposés sur le thème de l’« Applied Machine Learning » avant de répondre aux questions des participant-e-s.

Intro: Towards Machine Learning in Practice: Challenges, Approaches & Visions

Erik Graf, Professor Bern University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

A self-learning taxonomy at the core

Janna Lipenkova, Co-Founder Equintel (Germany)

What you sense is what you search

Hideo Joho, Professor University of Tsukuba (Japan)

Insel Data Science

Violeta Vogel, Head of Data Science Inselspital University Hospital (Switzerland)
Benjamin Ellenberger, Data Scientist Inselspital University Hospital (Switzerland)

Bridging the Gap / From Data Science to Production

Florian Wilhelm, Head of Data Science inovex AG (Germany)

Towards AI-powered Enterprise Applications (TBC)

Pablo Gonzalvez Garcia, Director of Engineering (USA)

Developing a Machine Learning model for Unbalanced Data and Deploying it to Production

Stavros Zervoudakis, Professor NYU ; Head of Data Science Mutual of America (USA)

Human-Centered AI (Automation versus collaboration)                                 

Werner Geyer, Senior Research Manager - AI Interaction IBM (UK)

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