Spurenbestandteile in Ägyptisch Blau als kunsttechnologischer Informationsträger
The research work is based on the identification of mineral trace components and thus, individual 'biographical' details in ancient Roman Egyptian blue from Switzerland by means of Raman microscopy.
- Schools involved Bern Academy of the Arts
- Institute(s) Institute Materiality in Art and Culture
- Research unit(s) Technology in Art and Culture
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022
- Head of project Petra Dariz
- Project staff Dr. Thomas Schmid
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin
Site et Musée romains d’Avenches
Augusta Raurica
Goethe-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft
UBS Kulturstiftung
The interpretation of the phase composition focuses on type and origin of the raw materials, production parameters as well as reactions during application and ageing of the pigment. The outcome will be compared with the results of a preliminary study on Early Medieval Egyptian blue from South Tyrol.