InoVille 4.0: Smart Models for Municipial Strategy and Governance Processes
"InoVille 4.0" develops the models for a smart government platform, which enables municipalities to use smart government strategies and intelligent management processes for increased public value and to act more transparently.
- Schools involved Business School
- Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
- Research unit(s) Data and Infrastructure
- Funding organisation Innosuisse
- Duration (planned) 14.09.2020 - 30.09.2022
- Head of project Prof. Stephan Haller
Project staff
Alperen Bektas
Nicolai Wenger
Flurina Wäspi
Amir Sahi - Partner inova Solutions AG
- Keywords Smart City, Strategy Monitoring, KPI, Co-Creation
"Smart City" is a huge trend. For many municipalities, however, the barriers to implementing smart government strategies and intelligent management processes are high. In order to lower these entry hurdles and strengthen the common good, inova:solutions AG and the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH are developing a modular and needs-oriented platform that combines know-how from science, education, technical and technology consulting with innovative IT tools.
Course of action
This Innosuisse project aims to develop the scientific basis for the platform. This includes the definition and automated collection of relevant KPIs for strategy monitoring, the new design of strategy and management processes, and the modeling of a typical municipality. Methodologically, a co-creation approach will be pursued together with the involved communities.
Looking ahead
The increase of public value is in the focus not only for the municipalities involved in the project, but also for big cities, which will be tackled after the completion of this project.