Fusepool P3

To make publishing and processing of linked data easy, the Fusepool P3 project develops a set of integrated software components based on open-source Linked Data Platform best practices.



To improve publishing and reuse of public data, Fusepool P3 develops apps and software components based on the Linked Data Platform (LDP) specification.

Course of action

The project's main goal was to ease publishing and processing of linked data (LD). A flexible software architecture supports the LD life-cycle during extracion, semantic enrichment and delivery. The approach has been validated with use cases in the tourism domain.


• Executable tool stack, compliant with the standardised Linked Data Platform (LDP), which supports the Linked Data Lifecycle, including documentation and video tutorials • Publication of the Methodology for Linked Data (LIDAPUME) • Its suitability was demonstrated by case studies in the tourism sector. The project results are publicly available as usable software (see link github)

Looking ahead

The project results are availble as open software on github.