Archäologie visualisieren
The research proposal in the field of Communication Design follows the defined focal topic of the Institute of Archaeology (University of Berne) who is developing new approaches to communicate complex archeological context.
- Schools involved Bern Academy of the Arts
- Institute(s) Institute of Design Research
- Research unit(s) Knowledge Visualization
- Funding organisation SNSF
- Duration 01.03.2012 - 28.02.2015
- Head of project Dr. Fabienne Kilchör
Purpose is to break down and visualize a large amount of data and complex systems (objects of archeological excavation) with the help of visual notation systems. The research objective is the development of a revised method of documentation, which structures, manages, stores and retrieves culture assets by using methods of informationdesign. The research aspires to find visual tools to depict and contextualize archaeological data by a more efficient access to the information in favour to an accurate knowledge transfer in between specialists and broad audience within the context of publications and museums.