ActiveArchives is concerned with electronic, time-and-space-related artworks.
- Schools involved Bern Academy of the Arts
- Institute(s) Institute Materiality in Art and Culture
- Research unit(s) Contemporary Art and Media
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.09.2004 - 31.12.2008
- Head of project Johannes Gfeller
Project staff
Tabea Lurk
Johannes Gfeller - Keywords Preservation, electronic media
The concept of ActiveArchives comprises not only restoration measures and their development in the field of electronic art, but also scientific registration and interpretation of the artwork.
Course of action
ActiveArchives conducts research on artworks, secures them, and makes them accessible in an appropriate form: integral, partial, or as documentation. The resulting secondary information will also be stored and made accessible. ActiveArchives combines technological, art historical, and restoration information, and also conducts its own research in these fields.