Auditory Cultures

This field of research is dedicated to audible situations, contexts and developments that go beyond the musical.

The sonic organisation of the everyday sphere is just as interesting as its penetration through conscious listening. The auditory is understood as a component of cultural and political contexts.

Ongoing projects


Collaborative aesthetics in global sound art

This research project investigates global sound art by focusing in particular on the role and aesthetics of collaboration. Based on dialogic and activist strategies, collaborative art forms go beyond the aesthetic object and embrace broader forms of public participation. As a result, the role of the artist has evolved from “content production” to an “epistemic partnership” in the construction of social knowledge.


Feel free to get in touch with us!

Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB
Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste
Sekretariat: Daniela Wüthrich
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern