Business Lab: Cultural Entrepreneurship at the HKB

The HKB-Business Lab supports HKB artists, designers and conservators and provides a link between ideas and entrepreneurship.

Junger Mann in schwarzem T-Shirt vor einer Wand voller Skizzen mit Post-it und Klebeband am Brainstorming machen.

The HKB-Business Lab

The HKB-Business Lab was founded in 2021 with the aim of supporting artists in a level-appropriate and practice-relevant way to realize their own projects and business ideas. Have you always wanted to organize your own concert series and are wondering how to deal with the finance aspect? Are you studying at  HKB, already have jobs as a freelancer for design projects and are playing with the idea of self-employment? Or do you have an idea for a product that is going to change the world? Then you’ve come to the right place!

What we do

Entrepreneurial thinking and action is a key objective of our educational and research mission. We motivate and empower students, alumni, and staff at the HKB and in our areas of expertise to develop art and design into sustainable and competitive business models. 

Our approach

We understand artists, designers, and cultural producers. We know what drives them and we know their challenges. We provide a lot of space for artistic and creative approaches. Simultaneously, we know the factors that are necessary to be successful as an entrepreneur: we see entrepreneurship as a toolbox that enables the successful realisation of projects. Topics such as resource management, financing options, marketing and communication, scaling (development) of ideas as well as the concrete implementation of a project are just as much a part of our speciality as networking with the right organisations and people. We work with state-of-the-art methods and support students, alumni, researchers, and other employees on their way to realizing their project. 

Our activities

We advise and support HKB students, alumni/alumnae and researchers in realizing their projects, founding companies and organisations, and successfully starting their professional independence. We advise artists on commercial and non-commercial activities. Our support services include coaching, mentoring, providing infrastructure, networking and financial support as well as a spontaneous exchange over coffee!

Currently, the offer is only available on the German-language site.
