About the agency
Since 2004, KULT has been connecting students from various disciplines to a broad clientele for artistic engagements, thus offering students their first exposure to the professional world.
The KULT Music Agency has been arranging artistic engagements for HKB students in private and public settings since 2004. KULT can draw on a large regional and national network of private clients, companies, festivals, and public institutions.
Former voice student and cultural manager Nina Grunder established KULT at the HKB – initially involving the field of classical music and then jazz. The agency soon established itself successfully within the Bern area and carried out its first concert series and co-productions. From 2012, under the new leadership of Elise Tricoteaux, the agency’s work was further professionalized and included HKB’s Theatre department. From 2018 to 2024, the agency has been led by Claudia Kühne, who included artistic mandates and digital formats to KULT’s range of services. Claudia Kühne continued to strengthen the networks within the various HKB departments. The agency has been managed by Hannes Liechti since summer 2024 and is once again focusing on the music sector.
KULT allows students to network, gain experience, and connect with their audience. In addition, students learn about the legal and financial basics of their profession. The fees go towards helping finance their studies.
Mira Pozzi
Student assistant
If you have any questions, or if you would like to make an appointment, please email kult@hkb.bfh.ch
Gabriele Keck, Vice Director Historical Museum Bern:
‘We have been working with KULT on a wide variety of occasions and events for several years now. We have continuously experienced KULT to be a reliable partner when it comes to responding to our plans and specific requests (e.g. Museum Night and Medieval spectacle) and swiftly recruiting and hiring acting and/or music students from the HKB. We are also very happy about the collaboration with the music supervisors at Oberhofen Castle arranged by KULT. We are thus very happy to recommend KULT to others.’
Kurt Hess, Secretary General Swiss Music Council SMR:
‘The performance was wonderful, and everything else worked out as well! I thank you very much for your great contribution.’
Corinne and Paul Laciga:
‘We used the services offered by the KULT agency for our wedding. For us, the quality of music was very important. A string quartet was one of the highlights during the church ceremony. Even thinking back today, we still get goose bumps. During the reception, our guests were offered another special musical highlight: a singer, accompanied by a pianist, performing songs by the Gershwin brothers – an absolute dream. Thanks to KULT, the most beautiful day of our lives was made even more memorable.’
Irene and Peter Regli:
‘We wish to sincerely thank you for connecting us with the two musicians. These two artists, along with their flute and harp, provided a very special touch to our party of 60 people on the 3rd November at the Bären in Boll. The musical performances were received with great joy; the music was so moving!
We please ask you to extend our thankyous to the two musicians. Both of them greatly enriched our celebration. We can only praise and congratulate you on the idea of your ‹agency’. There is no doubt that you are meeting a great need. We are very grateful to have discovered ‘KULT’!’
E. Jornod, CEO Galenica:
‘Nos invités, comprenant des Administrateurs de sociétés et des cadres supérieurs, ont beaucoup apprécié le duo qui nous a proposé un mélange harmonieux de tradition et d’improvisation. La complicité des musiciens et leur une joie évidente ont rayonné sur notre soirée, procurant un grand et réel plaisir à tout le monde! Un grand merci et nos meilleurs vœux de succès pour l’avenir du très sympathique duo.’
Dr. med. N. Roth:
‘Once again, many thanks for arranging the two musicians for my daughter’s wedding celebration. Everything worked out wonderfully and I was more than happy in every aspect. I will be happy to recommend your services to others as well.’
Catering and Hotel Business
Hotel Metropole AG
Hotel National Bern
Kornhauskeller Bern
Kursaal Bern
Schloss Hünigen, Thun
Taverna Romana, Hessigkofen SO
Brainfood GmbH
Congrex Switzerland Ltd
CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop
Die Mobiliar
Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
Eventicum AG
Fever Candlelight Concerts, Madrid
Gabriel Arbitration AG
Hofer AG Kommunikation BSW
Identitas AG
Loeb Holding AG
Magazine zum Globus AG
Manor AG Biel/Bienne
Marketinggemeinschaft Westside
MCH Group AG
Mietervereinigung EKZ Wankdorf Center
Privatbank Von Graffenried AG
SOL Management Solutions AG
Swisscom AG
Tamedia Espace AG
Zürich Generalagentur Ronald Zimmermann
Cultural Associations and Institutions
Amadeus Chor Bern
Bernisches Historisches Museum
Festtagschor St. Martin, Thun
Kirchenchor Wichtrach
Konzert Theater Bern
Kulturraum Thalwil
Malatelier Eduardo
Männerchor Langenthal
Musée International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Génève
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
Netzwerk B-Lesen
Pro Natura Zentrum Eichholz
Schlosskonzerte Thun
Singkreis Zäziwil
Verein buchsi kultur
Verein Bühnen der Hauptstadt
Educational Institutions
Berner Fachhochschule BFH
BFF – Kompetenz Bildung Bern
BFH, Alumni
BFH, Gesundheit
BFH, Hochschule der Künste Bern
BFH, Institut Alter
BFH, Services und Rektorat
BFH, Soziale Arbeit
BFH, Wirtschaft
Burgdorfer Innopreis
bwd – Bildungszentrum für Wirtschaft und Dienstleistung
Eidg. Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung EHB
gibb – Berufsfachschule Bern
International Space Science Institute, ISSI
Lehrwerkstätten Bern
medi, Zentrum für medizinische Bildung
PH Bern, Institut für Weiterbildung
Swiss Conservation-Restoration Campus (Swiss CRC)
Universität Bern, Ausund Weiterbildung in Seelsorge, Spiritual Care und Pastoralpsychologie AWS
Universität Bern, IMU Weiterbildung
Universität Bern, Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Universität Bern, Seniorenuniversität
Universität Bern, Theologische Fakultät
Universität Bern, Vetsuisse-Fakultät
Universität Bern, Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW
Embassies and International Organizations
Botschaft des Königreichs Belgien, Bern
Botschaft des Königreichs Norwegen, Bern
Vereinte Nationen, Weltpostverein WPV, Bern
Funeral Services
Aurora Bestattungen, Bern
Begleitart, Bern
bgf – Krematorium Bern
Bögli Bestattungen, Liebefeld
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Bern-Bethlehem
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Bern-Bremgarten
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Bern-Matthäus
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Bern-Paulus
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Köniz
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Münsingen
Ev.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Ostermundigen
Röm. kath. Pfarrei Wünnewil-Flamatt
Private Associations and Clubs
Altenberg-Rabbental-Leist ARL
Burgergemeinde Bern
Freimaurerloge «zur Hoffnung» Bern
Lions Club Bern
Lions Club Bern-Bantiger
Quartierverein Kursaal
Rotary Club Bern
Rotary Club Bern-Münchenbuchsee
Rotary Club Thun-Niesen
SAC, Sektion Bern
Soroptimist Club Fricktal
Soroptimist International Club Zürich
The UsitawiNetwork Club Bern
Zonta Switzerland, Union Intercity
Professional Associations
AHV-Ausgleichskasse Metzger
Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Audio Engineering Society AES
Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft VBV
Berufsverband für Coaching, Supervision und Organisationsberatung bso
BPW Club Bern, Business & Professional Women
FoBBIZ, Schweizer Forum für Berufsbildung und Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Onkologiepflege Schweiz
Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften SAMW
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Arbeitsund Organisationspsychologie SGAOP
Schweizerischer Fachverband für hinterlüftete Fassaden
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
swissT.net – Swiss Technology Network
Verband Berner Regionalbanken
Verein höhere Berufsbildung ASGS
Yoga Schweiz
Public Administration
Bundesamt für Metrologie METAS
Bundesamt für Statistik BFS
Eidg. Dep. des Innern EDI
Eidg. Dep. für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK
Eidg. Dep. für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF
Kanton Bern, Amt für Grundstücke und Gebäude
Kanton Bern, Bau-, Verkehrsund Energiedirektion
Kanton Bern, Bildungsund Kulturdirektion, Mittelschulund Berufsbildungsamt
Kanton Bern, Erziehungsdirektion
Kanton Bern, Obergericht
Kantonspolizei Bern
Regionalkonferenz Bern-Mittelland
Schweizerische Berufsbildungsämter-Konferenz (SBBK)
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Parlamentsdienste
Stadt Bern, Direktion für Bildung, Soziales und Sport, Kompetenzzentrum Arbeit KA
Social Institutions
Alters + Pflegewohnheim Engeried
Alterszentrum Spycher
Alterszentrum Viktoria AG, Bern
Blindenund Behindertenzentrum Bern
Domicil Mon Bijou
Fondation Sana
Inselspital Bern
Lindenhof Spital
Spitalzentrum Biel AG
Stiftung Diaconis
Stiftung generationsplus
Stiftung Rotonda
Stiftung Salome Brunner
Tertianum Mitteldorfpark, Ostermundigen
Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD)
Wohnheim Höchmatt
Zentrum Schönberg AG