- Series of events
Forschungs-Mittwoch #159 Infrastructuring Otherwise
Carbon Endings and Regenerative Practice
29.11.2023, 5pm–7pm – HKB, Auditorium, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern

As a response to the endings of carbon-based energy there have been many techno-utopian solutions for communities – grounded within imaginaries of survival, repair and resilience. Such imaginations and politics remain attached to the image of the individual maintained by computational infrastructure and continuous energy.
In this talk Helen V. Pritchard, an award winning artist-designer, geographer and queer love theorist, will discuss working instead towards modes of regenerative practice, more-than human creative strategies and the de-presencing of technosolutionism. We will discuss collaborative projects that attempt to practice through sensing, hotspotting, and queering damage. Specifically their work on pollution sensing with Citizen Sense; the project “Regenerative Energy Communities” in which artists, designers and farmers work together on regenerative imaginaries for energy; and the work of “The Institute of Technology in the Public Interest”.
Helen V. Pritchard, professor and head of research IXDM, HGK Basel, FHNW
Riikka Tauriainen
Institute Practices and Theories in the Arts, EcoArtLab
Start date
29.11.2023, 5pm–7pm
Add to calendar - Place HKB, Auditorium, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern