For the Sake of Creative Freedom Graphic Design for the Cultural Sector

This international research exchange day explores the shift from graphic design as a service to industry to “cultural graphic design”.

01.12.2023, 9am–6pm – HKB, Grosse Aula, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern

Graphic for the event "For the Sake of Creative Freedom" with black text on a pink background

This international research exchange day examines the paradigm shift in graphic design, specifically the emergence of “cultural graphic design,” which has redefined the profession as a lifestyle and expanded its scope beyond pure service for the industrial sector. This exchange is part of the research project “The Cultural Turn in Swiss Graphic Design 1980–2020” led jointly by ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, HES-SO and Bern Academy of the Arts HKB, funded by the SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation. It aims to foster collaborative research and critical discourse in the field of design research.

We invite researchers, designers, curators, experts, and students from diverse backgrounds to participate in the exchange. We seek to explore a wide range of perspectives on graphic design for the cultural sector, not only in Switzerland but also internationally. After an introduction by the convenors, the day is divided into panels, bringing together invited contributions and papers selected via an open call by Leah Armstrong, Yann Aucompte, Paola De Martin, Meret Ernst, Catherine Guiral de Trenqualye and Brice Domingues, Baptiste Husi, Silas Munro, Dimitri Reist, Žiga Testen, Alex J. Todd and Tan Wälchli. The contributors and participants engage in a collaborative process, sharing their research findings, insights, and methodological approaches in form of lectures, discussions and visual material.

Convenors: Chiara Barbieri, Jonas Berthod, Davide Fornari, Miriam Koban and Robert Lzicar

Admission is free, but capacity is limited. Please register on Eventbrite.


  • Start date 01.12.2023, 9am–6pm
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  • Place HKB, Grosse Aula, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern