Gabriel de Jesus
Voice type
Current studies
Master Specialized Music Performance – Opera
Vocal coach
Tanja Baumgartner

Former musical studies
- 2019–2022: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Singing, Haute Ecole de Musique Lausanne HEMU, Prof. Jörg Dürmüller & Delphine Gillot
- 2013–2019: Singing certificate, Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre, Geneva, Prof. Claude Darbellay
Most important projects/concerts
2022 April: Saint-John's Passion (J.-S. Bach) – Pilatus, Festival du Toûno, Wallis
- 2022 April: Ein deutsches Requiem (J. Brahms) - Baritone solo, HEMU Wallis, Freiburg
- 2021 November: La Bohème (G. Puccini) – Schaunard, Opéra-Théâtre, Genf
- 2019 June: Prix du conseil d’état, Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre, Genf
- 2019 January und February: Il Trovatore (G. Verdi) - Un Gitano, Operami, Genf
Robin De Haas (Geneva), Daniel Delarue (Geneva), Tanja Baumgartner (Brescia)
Interview: Three questions for Gabriel de Jesus
Why are you studying opera?
What I like about opera is that it combines music and theatre and that both complement each other. Also I like immersing myself in the world of an opera and in the character I'm playing.
What was your first encounter with opera?
My first encounter with opera was on television in cartoons. I always remember being fascinated by the singers' voices.
Which is your favourite opera and why?
Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo is certainly my favourite opera. This opera never fails to move me every time I hear it. I am always amazed by the roles of Tonio and Silvio, both baritone roles, and I look forward to performing them.