Lilian Beidler

Lilian Beidler Dozentin
Berner Fachhochschule
Bern Academy of the Arts
Papiermühlestrasse 13a
3014 Bern
One-to-one tuition for students on bachelor and master level
"SOS - Schall Ohr Schrift" - electronic ear-building, solfège and vocal training
Introduction to compositional strategies of electronic music and sound arts for master students
Website & Social Media for Sound Arts department
Composition and arrangement of electro-acoustic music, sound art and performance
Degree programmes
Bachelor and Master
One-to-one tuition for students on bachelor and master level
Electronic ear-building for groups of 3rd year bachelor students
Introduction to compositional strategies of electronic music and sound arts for master students
- Lilian Beidler is a musician+ from Switzerland. Sound being a fundamental of her work, she explores different media and their influence on the perception of the human body and composition within a performative context. Using performative sound art as both a research method and an artistic tool she explores public space, intercultural communication and sociological topics to contribute to a discourse within a worldwide society.
She graduated with an MA Performance Making from Goldsmiths University of London/UK in 2015, also holding a Masters in Contemporary Arts Practice from Bern University of the Arts in Switzerland, 2010. She was awarded the "Recognition award music” from the Canton of Bern/CH in 2015. Lilian Beidler is a lecturer for electro-acoustic composition at Bern University of the Arts, Switzerland.
Professional experience
- since 2017 - 2019 Assistant Hochschule der Künste Bern, Sound Arts
- 2019 Lecturer Hochschule der Künste Bern, Sound Arts
- 2014 - 2015 MA Performance Making Goldsmiths University London, UK
- 2005 - 2010 Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice Bern University of the Arts in Switzerland
Anerkennungspreis Musik des Kantons Bern 2015
In 2015, Lilian was awarded the "Recognition award music” (10’000 CHF) from the Canton of Bern, Switzerland.
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Professional working proficiency
- Italian - Limited working proficiency
- Latin - Limited working proficiency
- Russian - Elementary proficiency
- Arabic - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- United Kingdom
- Lesotho
- China
- Thailand
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Tunisia
- South Africa
- United States of America
- Mexico
- Cuba
- Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Latvia
- Estonia
- Lithuania
- Russian Federation
- Cambodia
- Hong Kong
- Viet Nam
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Belize
- Italy
- Greece
- Turkey
- Cyprus
- Malta
- Bolivia
- France
- Germany
- Lebanon
- Jordan
- Hungary
- Austria
- Finland
- Canada