Locations + Facilities

HKB students work and live in a stimulating environment, and will find a wide range of student facilities at each of our campuses. Our students can also access many of the facilities provided by Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, and the University of Bern.


Divisions Design and Fine Arts / Conservation and Restoration / Y Institute / Research / Direction and Administration

Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern

+41 31 848 38 38


Music Devision: practice rooms, Music Library

Papiermühlestrasse 13a
CH-3014 Bern

+41 31 848 39 99


Division Theatre

Zikadenweg 35
CH-3006 Bern

+41 31 848 49 90


Master Contemporary Arts Practice

Schwabstrasse 10
CH-3018 Bern

+41 31 848 38 29


Study Area Jazz

Eigerplatz 5a
CH-3007 Bern

+41 31 848 49 30


Division Music

Ostermundigenstrasse 103
CH-3006 Bern

+41 31 848 39 99


BSc Multimedia Production / Multimedia Communication & Publishing

Bern Academy of the Arts HKB
Holzikofenweg 8
3007 Bern

+41 31 848 34 83

Divisions Design and Fine Arts / Conservation and Restoration / Y Institute / Research / Direction and Administration

Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern

+41 31 848 38 38


Music Devision: practice rooms, Music Library

Papiermühlestrasse 13a
CH-3014 Bern

+41 31 848 39 99


Division Theatre

Zikadenweg 35
CH-3006 Bern

+41 31 848 49 90


Master Contemporary Arts Practice

Schwabstrasse 10
CH-3018 Bern

+41 31 848 38 29


Study Area Jazz

Eigerplatz 5a
CH-3007 Bern

+41 31 848 49 30


Division Music

Ostermundigenstrasse 103
CH-3006 Bern

+41 31 848 39 99


BSc Multimedia Production / Multimedia Communication & Publishing

Bern Academy of the Arts HKB
Holzikofenweg 8
3007 Bern

+41 31 848 34 83

Schweizer Opernstudio, Studienbereich Musik und Bewegung

Jakob-Rosius-Strasse 16 CH-2502 Biel

+41 31 848 49 59


Schweizerisches Literaturinstitut

Rockhall IV Seevorstadt 99 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne

+41 31 848 39 00


Schweizer Opernstudio, Studienbereich Musik und Bewegung

Jakob-Rosius-Strasse 16 CH-2502 Biel

+41 31 848 49 59


Schweizerisches Literaturinstitut

Rockhall IV Seevorstadt 99 CH-2502 Biel/Bienne

+41 31 848 39 00



The Bern University of Applied Sciences has several libraries. Their collections (excluding those of the Abegg-Stiftung) are indexed on the swisscovery search platform. Musical scores are also indexed in the local HKB Sheet Music Catalog.  
The HKB Music Library is located at the Papiermühlestrasse in Bern.  
The HKB Media Library houses the collections of the Departments of Design and Fine Arts, Conservation and Restoration, and the Y-Institute for Transdisciplinarity. It is located at the Fellerstrasse campus in Bümpliz Nord.   
The Swiss Literature Institute Library is housed at the Villa Rockhall IV in Biel, together with the entirety of the Literature Institute.  
The Theater Library is located at Zikadenweg in Bern. Borrowing is only available on site. Courier service is not available. 
The Abegg-Stiftung Research Library in Riggisberg collects literature about art and art history from antiquity through the early 19th century, with a particular focus on the area of textiles, but also extending to the manual arts in general, painting, architecture, history, archaeology and sculpture as well as the conservation and restoration of textiles. The library collections are searchable via online catalogue.


The print studio at the HKB is a competence centre for manual printing techniques and a laboratory for applied experiments with materials in the analogue and digital fields. The staff at the print studio offer various basic courses in screen printing, relief printing, intaglio, as well as open teaching formats for individual in-depth projects. They support students with their technical and artistic expertise in the production of unique pieces, serial productions or self-publications. Students can also benefit from having access to a reference library, a graphic archive and a versatile infrastructure, including a flatbed printer, a risograph and various devices for the production of artists’ books.


Bern University of the Arts
Printing Studio
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern

T +41 31 848 38 66



Monday 2 – 5 pm
Friday 10 am – 5 pm

Open Workshop

Friday 10 am – 5 pm
or on appointment

The MediaLab is the service centre and centre of excellence for audiovisual design and photography at the HKB, Division of Design and Fine Arts.

The members of the MediaLab give courses, organise photography and AV trainings and advise students, staff members and teachers of the HKB on technical matters and questions of content.

The loans desk provides equipment for the creation and presentation of audiovisual and photographic projects to students, staff members and teachers of the HKB.

An extensive range of equipment such as video cameras, photo cameras, sound and lighting equipment can be rented from the MediaLab.

Alongside the internal university proceedings, the MediaLab also offers competent support to external individuals and institutions.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with audiovisual commissions.


Bern Academy of the Arts
Design and Fine Arts
Fellerstrasse 11

CH-3027 Bern

T +41 31 848 39 28


Opening hours

Open Lab

The MediaLab infrastructure is available 24/7 


Monday – Wednesday, 10 am – 16 pm or by agreement
(except lecture-free period and holidays)


Monday – Wednesday, 12 – 13.30 pm
(except lecture-free period and holidays)

Further information

An important part of the education of the Division of Music takes place in the recording studio. The recording studio has a modern infrastructure with a spacious control room with analogue and digital networking possibilities to other acoustically separated, multifunctional rooms and the large concert hall. This means that music productions ranging from soloists to ensembles to large orchestras can be catered for, as well as surround productions and film soundtracks.

The recording studio of the HKB also has a well-equipped mobile sound infrastructure for sound reinforcement, live electronic settings, sound installations or recordings taking place beyond the studio. An extensive range of instruments – percussion instruments of all kinds, various grand pianos and historical keyboard instruments – complete the range.


Academy of the Arts HKB
Recording studio 
Papiermühlestrasse 13d
CH-3000 Bern 22

T +41 31 848 39 99

The Mechanical Workshop of the Design and Fine Arts Division offers a broad infrastructure, enabling students to work with materials such as metal, wood, textiles and ceramics. An inter-material approach allows projects that incorporate varied materials and techniques. Both analogue and digital technologies are applied. In addition to bronze casting, welding, sawing, sewing and modelling, students also use the embroidery computer, the CNC milling machine and the laser cutter.

The workshop team conducts courses and assists students when realizing their projects in the workshop. After attending an introductory course, students can work independently in the workshop during opening hours. They can also borrow small machinery and tools.

A large collection of samples serves as a basis for studying materials and how to work with them.




Bern Academy of the Arts
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern 

T +41 31 848 38 60

Our expertise is in the field of minimal invasive and non-destructive analyses on art and cultural heritage objects serving education, art conservation science and, practical conservation and restoration of our cultural heritage. The enormous variety and combination of materials present in cultural objects requires a combined approach of multiple analytical techniques. These challenges are faced with a synergetic combination of methods, infrastructure and research. Would you like to know more? We will try to find out more for you!


Bern Academy of the Arts
Art technological laboratory
Dr. Nadim C. Scherrer
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern

T +41 31 848 39 10
