PreDoc Research in the Arts

Would you like to apply for a doctorate in the arts? Or are you attracted by the prospect of working in the growing field of art-science collaborations? The PreDoc program Research in the Arts offers the opportunity to develop a first artistic-research project.

The program: 

  • is aimed at people with a background in an artistic discipline or art theory with a curiosity for research processes and practices. It can be studied in two ways: Artists from outside HKB who are curious about research processes and practices are invited to pursue the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS). Master students at HKB can apply for the program as a specialization within their master studies. The prerequisite is practical experience in the arts and a research idea that can be further developed in the course of the program.  

  • provides a practical and project-oriented insight into artistic research, networks, funding opportunities and various doctoral programs and non-university research contexts,  

  • enables students to develop an initial artistic research project that can form the basis for a doctorate or be further developed in non-university practice,    

  • aims to develop a concept for your own artistic-research project in a peer group of Master's students and CAS participants from the professional world, which can already be tested to some extent.

Stimmungsbild PreDoc Research in the Arts


  • Titel/Abschluss Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
  • Dauer 2 Semester
  • Unterrichtstage Friday
    plus 2 Y-Toolbox Weeks
  • Anmeldefrist May 1, 25 
    Interviews: May 21, 25
  • Anzahl ECTS 15 ECTS-Credits
  • Kosten Tuition fee: CHF 5'900
    Application fee: CHF 250
  • Unterrichtssprache English, German
    Mentoring in French on request
  • Studienort Bern Fellerstrasse
  • Departement Hochschule der Künste Bern
  • Nächste Infoveranstaltung Fri, March 7, 25, 10am – online
  • Nächste Durchführung Autumn semester 2025

Content + Structure


Have you ever thought about doing a doctorate in the arts? Or are you interested in research-based approaches in artistic practice, e.g. as part of art-science programs or research residencies?  

Various doctoral programs, also in cooperation with the HKB, give art school graduates access to a doctorate. In addition, there are more and more opportunities to conduct artistic research outside of universities or to work in transdisciplinary collaborations between art and science.    

The PreDoc program provides an overview of the diverse methodological approaches, discourses and contexts of research in the arts with a specific focus on the doctorate as an emerging field in Switzerland. Participants will gain a practice- and project-oriented insight into various doctoral programs, their requirements and specifics, as well as different research contexts and networks in Switzerland and internationally. It offers orientation in the search for suitable partner universities, doctoral supervisors/mentors, collaborations and funding opportunities. Participants receive individual support in developing their own research ideas. This can serve as the basis for developing a doctoral exposé or research proposal.  

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, you will acquire the following skills: 

  • You will be able to formulate an exposé for an artistic research idea that can be entered into an artistic or scientific doctoral program or implemented for further work in artistic practice 

  • You can present a research concept in a comprehensible way and communicate it to different target groups in a suitable format    

  • You will be able to formulate a research question for an artistic research project and derive hypotheses   

  • You have knowledge of the state of the art in the respective field and the ability to relate this to your own research project  

  • You have peer group competence: Be able to put forward their own point of view in a peer group with well-founded arguments and engage with the viewpoints of others; recognize themes and attitudes in the material and review their own stance   

  • You are able to research and analyze relevant texts in the respective field of research and critically examine them in their own work    

  • You are able to develop research designs for the artistic-scientific research project (problem, research question, objective, theoretical references, suitable methodology, approach, incl. timetable) 

The program starts in September 2025 and includes two block weeks (in HS and FS), 3 get-togethers per semester as well as individual mentoring by the program head and experienced researchers at HKB.    

Depending on the status of the research project, the program can also be completed in a reduced form and/or within one semester after consultation with the program management.  Prerequisites are practical experience in the arts and the submission of a research idea. 

Kick off  

  • Fri, September 19, 25, 2 – 4pm (via MS Teams)   

 Get-together (HKB Bern)   

  • Fri, October 3, 25, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Wed, December 12, 25, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, January 23, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, March 6, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, May 29, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

Y-Toolboxes (HKB Bern)

  • Research in the Arts I: Exploring: 10 – 14 November 2025 
  • Research in the Arts II: Sharing: 13 – 17 April 2026 


Project weeks, individual mentorship, peer-to-peer exchange in the group

Title + Degree

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in «PreDoc Research in the Arts»

Team + Network

Head of Program

Yvonne Schmidt (she /her), is a professor, founder and head of the transdisciplinary EcoArtLab and responsible for the research field of art education at the Institute Practices and Theories in the Arts at the Bern Academy of the Arts HKB /BFH. Currently she is Principal Investigator of the research projects “Aesthetics of the Im/Mobile” (2022-2026) and “EcoArtLab. Relational Encounters between the Arts and Climate Research” (2023-2027), both funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. She is co-president of the Swiss Society for Theatre Research and founder of the “Performance & Disability” network of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR). In this context, she has curated encounters between scholars and artists in Asia, Europe, and South America for a decade. Before she joined HKB, she was a Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film (IPF) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), where she initiated and led various research projects and established the international PreDoc program PEERS for emerging artistic researchers as well as the PhD program at the department of performing arts and film. She studied theatre and dance studies and literature in Bern, Paris, and Mainz. During and after her PhD in Theatre Studies at the University of Bern (2008-2013), she was a research fellow at the University of Illinois and a visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (2018-2019). Yvonne has worked for different performance festivals, and created formats that foster a dialogue between arts, sciences, and society. She teaches and researches on artistic research, transdisciplinarity, performance and disability, art (mediation) and climate change, curating as political practice and the (digital) transformation of cultural institutions. 


Eligibility + Admission

Artists or art scholars who are interested in a doctorate in the arts or would like to work at the interface between art and science. 

  • completed MA in an artistic or art-scientific discipline  

  • several years of artistic practice / expertise 

  • written and oral language skills 


Clarification is required for foreign qualifications that are equivalent to the MA. 

Language skills

English, German 

Practicalities + Application

The CAS comprises 15 ECTS credits and lasts two semesters.
The program is part-time. 

Start of studies: autumn semester 2025 
Duration: September 2025 – June 2026 

Kick off  

  • Fri, September 19, 25, 2 – 4pm (via MS Teams)   

 Get-together (HKB Bern)   

  • Fri, October 3, 25, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, December 12, 25, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, January 23, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, March 6, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

    Fri, May 29, 26, 1:30 – 5pm  

Y-Toolboxes (HKB Bern)

  • Research in the Arts I: Exploring: 10 – 14 November 2025 
  • Research in the Arts II: Sharing: 13 – 17 April 2026 

Tuition fee: CHF 5,900
Registration fee: CHF 250

The fees are tax-deductible.
We will be happy to advise you on instalment payments. 

The Continuing Education Regulations of Bern University of Applied Sciences, as well as the Implementation Provisions for the Continuing Education Regulations apply. The right to make changes is reserved. In case of doubt, the wording of the legal provisions and regulations shall prevail.


For the second round of the program, there are 5 places available for MA students and 5 places for continuing education students at the HKB. Students from other universities can be considered within existing cooperations with HKB (such as Mastercampus CH in Theatre). 

You can register online using the application form. We require the following documents from you for the application:

  • Passport photo
  • The following documents must be submitted as 1 PDF:  
     Short sketch with a research idea (2 pages), CV with portfolio (3 artistic work samples, f. ex. video, description to be shared via link or QR code)  

Application deadline: May 1, 2025 10:00 AM CET. Selection interviews will take place on May 21, 2025 hybrid (at HKB or via MS Teams). We kindly ask the applicants to save the date. The decision regarding the invitation to the interview will be communicated on May 16, 2025.  

The events take place in Bern. Attendance on site for the activities is required. For CAS applicants: It is not possible for students from non-EU/EFTA countries residing outside of Switzerland to participate in this CAS. As the programme is part-time, it is not possible to obtain a visa for this CAS. 

Contact + Information

